Visualising real-time Foursquare check-ins at polling locations on Election Day in the United States


Foursquare partnered with Google and JESS3 to design and develop a map that would visualise real-time foursquare check-ins at polling locations on Election Day in the U.S. The voting public were encouraged to check-in (via Foursquare) at their polling station and include "#ivoted" in their shout out or tweet, which would unlock an exclusive I Voted badge.

Trending #1

#ivoted was the top trending worldwide topic on the day of voting, beating other (general) terms like #electionday and #govote" and all the usual celebrity nonsense.

"We were extremely happy with the result. By showing visually that every vote counts, we were able to inspire how people make a difference in an election."

Eric Friedman, Foursquare


Visual design


Oct 2010




Robin Richards — Wireframes


I received the final wireframe and custom map from JESS3, and was tasked with designing the home page (shown here). The final live site was tweaked slightly from my design and the remaining site pages were designed by another designer at JESS3, evolved from my design/style, which I had based loosely on foursquare's brand identity.


This project was featured in Computer Arts Project magazine.
